Sunday, August 23, 2009
Boring. not fasting. burning from hell.i dont know what wrong with all those people or it is me?suddenly i feel like taking turning bad. i know but why people are acting strangely.hais. life is great with up and down.its just a game.i dont know why im waiting for A and she just gone like that.nevermind. life is cruel. im contacting someone this few days.yeah. weed. bye.
Signed Off, 2:42 AM
Friday, August 21, 2009
hello good morning.

New picture uploaded.
Back. sorry my faithful reader.
Been busy this whole week with something, someone, somewhere and somehow.
Yeah. fasting.
Feeling hungry but i can make it. =D.
Signed Off, 11:46 PM
Thursday, August 13, 2009
like normal.
Signed Off, 3:09 AM
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
yeah man(Y)
have been thinking of what to thinking. currently at shee house.
she is siaping for lady gaga concert.
me? i download CS wall hack. pfft.
bosan tau tak. hais.
blah3. hungry. nothing to do. going home soon.
Signed Off, 2:04 AM
Thursday, August 6, 2009
facebook was the only thing keeping me busy.
i took quizzes and play game and cooment2 people.
great though.
thanks to facebook and the people out there for keeping me busy.=]
but still im here for somone out there.
im having dejavu right now. pfft.
Signed Off, 12:14 AM
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
keep me busy please
library was my only place to go.
monday fico.
maybe sunday will be hanging out with suraya.
hmm. saturday minum kopi pedas.
friday beli gula-gula.
thursday sekolah. blah3
im bored with life. keep me busy please. anyone.
chat with suraya, naddy, aly, akir, sob, anna. blah3.
Signed Off, 5:28 AM
esai esai esai
in a library alone as usual.facebook, blog as usual.rotting as usual. sad as usual.why cant i have something new?why cant i be happy?someone please's great.
Signed Off, 12:50 AM
Sunday, August 2, 2009
blah3 :(
Love is an option i have to make.
Falling in love is im afraid of.
Im sorry if i have to cause my heart makes the decision.
I guess i have to make a move to change your mind up.
Prepaid running low. I cant message you. Sorry.
Im not in school due to something in my mind. :/Every colour has it meanings.Crying have meanings too?Im sorry Norsakina bte masri.
Signed Off, 7:19 PM
Saturday, August 1, 2009
imy tiger.
Didnt went out today.
Only god and i know whats happening to me.
im missing you tiger, roar!
hmm. im will wait for the photo. enjoy yourself.
Signed Off, 5:46 AM
Signed Off, 2:04 AM
somewhere at the beach~
Met kinna yesterday at parkway parade.I had a fun time with her.Thanks for the bite mark at both of my shoulder and the scratches at my hand, tiger.Talk alot of stuff and kutuk-ing people.As the moon rise, we acted differently. you dont want to know.I was late for the last bus. Sent her to busstop and goodbye.Walk to my granny house at Eunos.There was no one there. Walk around, wasting my time and sleep under granny block.Woke up and took the first bus home.Kinna'ie

Signed Off, 1:29 AM