Tuesday, June 30, 2009
update my girlfriend with anti virus.
charge her. her battery spoilt. =[
must buy the battery bar. gahh.
met tazzy, shasha, atika and fahmi.
lepak. than went home. online and chat.
sudden band. im vocalist. wahhh~
genre deathcore/death metal.
its difficult to receive your msg but its easy to meet.
Signed Off, 7:03 AM
Monday, June 29, 2009
Meet parker at his house.tengok dia main dota. met shabby and lala kat CC.went to eat and lepak bawah block parker.talk2 macam biasa. lepak til death.sent shabby home and went home to eat then come to lan shop to play L4D.Dont rush aie. i dont think she will fall for me. gahh!. nevermind. as long we are friend im happy.Labels: the stick we shared will be the last for me.
Signed Off, 8:13 AM
Sunday, June 28, 2009
im dog. :D
im a dog which is wilder than you think bitch.you no need to vulgar me and stuff.
Signed Off, 9:52 PM
the world is upsidedown.
Imagine singapore is having a snow right now.imagine war is love and love is war.imagine we receive money if we bought something.imagine a girl ask a guys for a steady.imagine we walk using our hand.
just imaginating. :D
Signed Off, 9:39 PM
east coast park~
Saw org depressed at senja. police semua ada.meet shabby at her block.went to ECP.talk as usual. took picture.buy fries and onion ring at BK. found a tikar.sit on tikar and talk2. talk about star, ghost, sea creatures, kiamat and stuff.OTW home. dia high bau orang sebelah.haha. go BPP mcm org gila. sana ke sini. went to pasar malam. she bought chic chic chicken takoyaki and blueberry drink.sit one corner. ate and went home.The End.
i wanted to go out with you on national day and celebrate out birthday together. i want you to be happy.
crush crush crush!
Signed Off, 9:37 AM
Friday, June 26, 2009
National ITE Certificate in Mechanical Technology
June 2009
GPA: 2.857
lol. i need to buck. cant cabut already.
Signed Off, 7:36 AM
transformer 2
Woke up late. suppose to meet zuzu at 10 but met her at 12.10.
give her earpiece back and wanted to go home but she wont let.
she cried and aku buat bodoh. good boy kan?
hehe. i know.
after that went to met H at YCK.
walk to AMK watch Transformer 2.
Gerek. Went to Mac and eat then walk2 and she sent me to busstop.
The End.

Labels: movie
Signed Off, 6:52 AM
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Met shabby at bukit panjang.
We went to semi circle. talk about family and stuff.
Then went to bukit timah to play pool.
Met rais, faiz and mus. idk ah. what their name but this is what i heard.
A match with shabby and that was the first time i win a pool game.
Yey. Went to eat and went home. chill aites shabby.
Dont think to much of her.
A had a great time with you. thanks.
i had a slight crush on you. im sorry.
Signed Off, 9:56 AM
who? siapa?
i want to have a slow dance with you.
i want to go to the beach in the night with you.
i want to kiss you.
i want to hug you.
i want to meet you everyday.
who are you?
Signed Off, 2:03 AM
5 day thon
Penat sialalala.
i thonned for 5 days and 5 night with idris.
sentosa then chalet and chalet and andy house and bawah block. lol
i drank Glen Vodka( more than 5 shot), Absolute Vodka(more than 5 shot), Smirnoff Green Apple(1 shot), champange (1 cup) sedap sia and whisky( idk how many shot). lol. stole many things sia.
X in the heart habis. BEDOK YOU HAVE BEEN RAIDED.
mamak bedok kasi kite 5 bucks extra. ice lemon tea senang nk amek.
kimak. nk tinggal sana ah! haha. steam beb. lol. balik je knock out.
must quit all this sia!! da. bace ah. lol.
Jun 25, 2009, 3:06 pm
Signed Off, 1:22 AM
chalet 2.
Im at juju chalet.
bosan. kinda down actually.
im lost. seriously. i dont know what to do, to eat, to drink, to go.
everything is just like an illusion. time fly just so fast.
my eyes are heavy. i just want someone to rapat with me. every night on the phone and stuff.
its difficult to find someone new actually.
hais. im standing here all alone.
i didnt mean to fall in love for you. im wrong. i shouldnt be there.
im sorry girl. my chances of getting you is veryvery low.
Jun 23, 2009, 5:03 am
Signed Off, 1:21 AM
went to chalet. fucking fun.
getting drunk and dancing.
parker let all it out. he dance dance dance dance and dance.
gila sia. tonight going again.
Jun 22, 2009, 8:39 pm
Signed Off, 1:20 AM
Yesterday went to sentosa with jason, fahmi, irfeen, ajie, hairi, imran, elfac and fye.
meet zuzu, syidah, syima, amey, ama at there.
went to gig. having some 2 stepin and breakdown.
its was fun and tiring though.
thon with parker, fahmi, alep, zeek, faiz, lala, jamaica(idk how to spell her name), sab, other i forget their name. =p.sorry.
fahmi as usual talk about, his camp experience, ghost and band.
then saw lala and sab grind. my luck uh i was down.
me, fahfa and parker lets our sex secret outs. lol.
we dance around. tecktonik la, hxc dance la, fahmi with the golddust thingy. haha.
then went to sleep inside tent with fahmi. yang lain tidur luar.
wake up saw sab and lala face searching for idk what thingg.
menyibuk. lol. then went to bath and eat then ride bus 963 and went home.Jun 21, 2009, 6:50 pm
Signed Off, 1:19 AM
i have completed my band. apit drummer, nazri bassist, irfeen and irsyad guitarist and for me vocalist. weeewooo. see you in the pit.
Jun 14, 2009, 6:47 pm
Signed Off, 1:18 AM
Went to gig.
talk with friend.
saw her. my eyes cant stop looking at her.
i miss her lots. gahh. god help me please.
hais. i just cant forget about her.
dance to one song only.
hmm. went to esp then cermin.
lepak2 and went home. lol. Jun 14, 2009, 2:31 pm
Signed Off, 1:17 AM
went to malaysia. grandma death arrived.
yeah. allah love her.
rest in peace grandma. i love you.
:'( Jun 13, 2009, 2:54 pm
Signed Off, 1:15 AM
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
you told me you care?!
but i dont care about you are a slut butt
so shut the fuck up
keep your mouth shut
slut what the fuck?!better watch your fucking girlfriend.
she have been talking to me.
Signed Off, 5:15 AM